A psychological approach that helps you to quit smoking in 90 minutes
"I'm so confident that you will find this approach easy, logical and motivational that at any point during our session, up until the point of hypnosis you decide that it's not for you, you can have a full refund, no questions asked." Bobby Jon Hook
Online Quit Smoking Cessation
need a reason?
Excuses Do Not Make You A Success
Reality check
One of the biggest obstacles to successfully quitting smoking is often the excuses we make. It's much easier to find reasons not to quit than to actually take the steps needed to stop.
Smoking is frequently mistaken for an addiction, but it's actually a habit formed through repetition. The more you do something, the more ingrained it becomes, encouraging you to repeat the behaviour.
By continuously postponing the decision to commit to quitting, you are reinforcing the negative habit cycle, resulting in more talk about quitting without taking concrete action.
The fact that you're here, seeking ways to stop smoking, shows you're experiencing that cycle again. Now that you understand what's holding you back, you can take control and choose to do something different.
A Cognitive Behavioural Approach
backed by brain based science
Solution focused hypnotherapy to stop smoking helps you to re-educate your mind from the ground up starting with the foundations. We will talk in detail about your life and how your smoking habit has influenced you.
We will identify your triggers, exploring the specific situations, emotions, or activities that trigger your urge to smoke. This might include stress, social settings, or routine times of the day.
I'll teach you the truth behind why you smoke and dispel some of the common misconceptions that you probably use as excuses such as the idea that it helps you relax or manage stress.
I'll teach you how your brain works to a point where you realise there is no logical reason for you to continue smoking.
You will learn where cravings come from and how to rewrite those bad habits of behaviour. Together, we'll create healthier coping mechanisms to replace smoking, like physical activity, or mindfulness practices.
We then use hypnosis to embed everything discussed during our sessions on a subconscious level so that you can leave feeling motivated and have the willpower to stop for good.
Once you understand what is happening in your mind on a subconscious level, you will learn that with every day that you don't smoke you are actually reinforcing the habit that says you are no longer a smoker.
During hypnosis, we'll start with techniques to help you enter a calm and focused state. In this relaxed state, I'll provide positive suggestions and affirmations about quitting smoking. For example, reinforcing your ability to be in control and live smoke-free.
Everything we do when working together is easy to understand and is backed up by brain based science so that you can change the way you think.
Need More Reasons To Stop
Only good thing will come from stopping
Escape from the end products of lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema, heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers and reflux.
Slave to the habit
Constantly thinking of when or where you can smoke rather than enjoying what you are doing. Making excuses to smoke even when you should be enjoying what you are doing.
Wanting to be a good role model for your children. See your children or grandchildren grow up and enjoying the good times with family without smelling like cigarettes.
Physical symptoms can include having less energy, feeling tired or run down. You may also have disturbed sleeping patterns. It’s not uncommon to have aches and pains that can’t be explained, change in weight and appetite, loss of libido or even constipation.
Your questions answered
Hypnosis is a relaxed state of mind called a trance state. You actually drift in and out of a trance state every 6 or 7 minutes during the day. It's a natural state that we go into all the time. When you watch TV or read a book and you get so engrossed or If you drive from point A to point B and you get to point B but you can't quite remember the places you've driven past, that's a trance state. You're still able to react and respond if something were to happen but your mind is off wandering somewhere else.
The great thing about a trance state is that when we go into it our brain works four times harder to process our thoughts. Your brain will be working four times harder to embed everything discussed during our session.
Many people can’t tell the difference between a hypnotised state and the waking state. It is just a very relaxed state called a trance state and its similar to when you are lying in bed and just about to drift off to sleep. Some people feel relaxed and lethargic, others feel a sort of lightness and floaty feeling.
Despite having a 90 percent success rate, I cannot guarantee it will work for you. There is no magic pill that will make you hate smoking, you have to want to stop. What you will learn will give you the motivation and will-power to stop but I cant stop you smoking if you really don't want to stop.
I invite you to come to a session and go through the process with me. I'm very fair so I say to my clients that if at any point up until the point of hypnosis you don't feel its for you, you can back out and receive a full refund with no questions asked and no hard feelings. The therapy only works if you are 100% in!
I'm here to support you as much as possible and the reason you will fail is because you don't put into place the techniques and strategies I teach during the session.
If you have just one cigarrette after our session, you will unwind any work we have done. I do not offer top up sessions so you need to be sure that you are ready and that you want to stop. I'll always be here to motivate you up until the point you pick up a cigarette.
If you suffer from high levels of anxiety, stress or suffer from depression, I would advise against the smoking cessation session until we have worked through these issues first. I recommend we meet for some Solution Focused Hypnotherapy sessions first.
Contact Me
let's talk
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to get in touch and i'll be happy to help.
Cotswold Hypnotherapy Cheltenham
The Regency Practice, Clarendon House, 42 Clarence Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3PL
07508 032212