A psychological approach that helps you to quit smoking in 90 minutes

"I'm so confident that you will find this approach easy, logical and motivational that at any point during our session, up until the point of hypnosis you decide that its not for you, you can have a full refund, no questions asked." Bobby Jon Hook

Hypnosis For Quit Smoking

need a reason?

For most smokers, the greatest difficulty people will find when it comes to quitting is actually committing themselves to stop. You have probably been thinking about it for a while now but for some reason something has always prevented you from taking the next step. 

The truth is that you know you want or need to stop but everytime it comes to the crunch, just saying “i want to stop” or “i should stop” unfortunately, just isn't enough.

So what makes you and everyone else fail to commit to stopping?

Meet Lyn

I am probably one of the biggest sceptics ever, but I had to stop smoking! I went to see Bobby with an open mind, this was my last chance and happily it worked. Only 5 weeks but I no longer think of smoking at those certain times, morning, after a meal or the last one before bedtime. I have not substituted a cigarette with anything else, it’s almost as though I’ve never smoked.  

Excuses Do Not Make You A Success

Reality check

It’s excuses that stop you from being a success. It's much easier to come up with an excuse than to actually go through with it. 

Smoking is a habit that gets confused for an addiction. Habits are created through repetition, the more you do something a certain way the more you are encouraged to do it again.

So actually by putting off the decision to commit yourself, you are just feeding that habitual negative cycle and you will just continue to talk about quitting without taking action.

The fact that you're here looking for ways to stop smoking means you're going through that cycle again. However, now that I've explained to you what is holding you back you can take control and you can now make the choice to do something different. 

Smoking Is A Habit

not an addiction

Meet Peter

After smoking for 14 years I went to see Bobby. After one session I haven't smoked again and that is 2 1/2 years ago. After such success with that I have seen Bobby for various other problem areas in life. He has always helped relieve stress and open to door to making better more positive decisions. Couldn't recommend him more highly for any issues you may be suffering. 

Smoking is a psychological habit and not an addiction, sure there is a physical side effect when you stop smoking but these are actually overcome very quickly and play only a minor role (it's more of an excuse that people use).

We know this because it only takes between 90 - 120 minutes for you to change your whole psychological approach towards smoking and stop for good.

The sooner you realise that why you smoke is habitual rather than an addiction, you will become more rational and once you remove this excuse you can then focus on taking control of the psychological aspect which then becomes much easier to create new habits of behaviour.

A Cognitive Behavioural Approach

backed by brain based science

Solution focused hypnotherapy to stop smoking helps you to re-educate your mind from the ground up starting with the foundations. We will talk in detail about your life and how your smoking habit has influenced you. I'll teach you the truth behind why you smoke and dispel some of the common misconceptions that you probably use as excuses.  

Ill teach you how your brain works to a point where you realise there is no logical reason for you to continue smoking, you will learn where cravings come from and how to rewrite those bad habits of behaviour. 

We then use hypnosis to embed everything discussed during our sessions on a subconscious level so that you can leave feeling motivated and have the willpower to stop for good. 

Once you understand what is happening in your mind on a subconscious level you will learn that with every day that you don't smoke you are actually reinforcing the habit that says you are no longer a smoker. 

Everything we do when working together is easy to understand and is backed up by brain based science so that you can change the way you think.


Your questions answered

Need More Reasons To Stop

Only good thing will come from stopping


Escape from the end products of lung cancer, throat cancer, emphysema, heart disease, high blood pressure, ulcers and reflux.

Slave to the habit

Constantly thinking of when or where you can smoke rather than enjoying what you are doing. Making excuses to smoke even when you should be enjoying what you are doing.


Wanting to be a good role model for your children. See your children or grandchildren grow up and enjoying the good times with family without smelling like cigarettes. 


Physical symptoms can include having less energy, feeling tired or run down. You may also have disturbed sleeping patterns. It’s not uncommon to have aches and pains that can’t be explained, change in weight and appetite, loss of libido or even constipation.

Are You Ready For Change?

take the next step

Meet Theo

Highly recommended to help stop smoking. I had been smoking for thirty years but with help from Bobby Jon Hook I have now finally stopped.