Take control of your life and change the way you think about anxiety
Anxiety is a natural human response that can happen when we "perceive" that there is a threat or danger. Anxiety can create a feeling of worry, fear or nervousness, especially when faced with stressful events and changes to our day to day lives.
Hypnosis Therapy For Anxiety
Worrying, overthinking, feeling tense or afraid about what might or might not happen ("what ifs"). Re-running events in your mind and having obsessional, intrusive and negative thoughts.
Feeling overwhelmed in situations, a churning in your stomach, difficulty sleeping, irritable or unable to relax and fearing the worst.
Anxiety can change the way you act, leading you to withdraw from others and stop you from enjoying your leisure activities or trying new things. You may find it difficult to look after yourself and find it hard to work.
Anxiety can manifest itself into physical panic attacks. This can make you feel and experience similar symptoms to a heart attack, including a racing heart, sweats, difficulty breathing and headache.
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Let me send you my in-depth consultation video so you can find out exactly how Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you with anxiety.
Forms Of Anxiety
anxiety can manifest itself in many ways
Social Anxiety also called social phobia. This essentially happens when a person feels overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. The person starts to believe that others are judging them and has fears of being embarrassed or ridiculed.
Phobia is an intense fear and avoidance of an object or situation. The fear goes beyond what’s appropriate and may cause a person to avoid ordinary situations. Phobias differ from other anxiety disorders, as they relate to a specific cause. The fear may be irrational or unnecessary, but the person is unable to control the anxiety. Triggers for a phobia may be as varied as situations, animals, or everyday objects.
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)This is an anxiety that is a result of previous trauma such as a serious accident, sexual assault, or a physical attack. Many times PTSD leads to flashbacks, and the person may make behavioural changes to avoid those triggers.
OCD (Obsessional Compulsive Disorder) is an anxiety disorder particularly characterised by thoughts or actions that are highly repetitive. A person with OCD may obsess about cleaning personal items, washing hands repeatedly or checking locks, cooker, or light switches constantly.
Imagine you have a situation happening in a weeks time that makes you feel anxious.
When you overthink this situation your brain gets confused and this leads you to feeling the physical and mental effects as if the situation is happening now.
When you learn to identify these types of thoughts, you can then start to think more rationally and take control.
Contact Me
let's talk
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to get in touch and i'll be happy to help.
Cotswold Hypnotherapy With Bobby Jon Hook,
The Regency Practice, Clarendon House, 42 Clarence Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3PL